You may have known that Valentine’s cards for kids sell out in January. I did not. As they say in the internet world, I was today years old when I learned…
My son’s class newsletter for February came home with him and there was a note about the number of students in the class and how to address the Valentines cards. We thought we would just pick up some corny cards at Walmart but couldn’t find any anywhere. We checked Amazon and they all came with some sort of extra junk – something else for everyone to just take home to throw out. I feel like we’ve really taken everything so far with the gifts and the goody bags for every single thing, but that’s a rant for another time.
We have a bunch of craft supplies here so I decided it would be no big deal to make cards for the 15 kids in his class and the 13 in the other pre-primary class (his class got split midway through the year so many of his friends are in the other class too) and his 5 teachers. No biggie.

It, surprisingly, really wasn’t a big deal. It was super cute and both boys enjoyed helping out. We used red, pink, and purple construction paper to make little cards. I have a corner rounder which I felt made them look a little *extra*. We used stickers we had laying around. Boom. Adorable handmade cards. I posted a few photos on Instagram stories and a few fellow moms let me know that you have to buy the store bought cards in January or else you’ll miss them. We were in Dollarama earlier this week and they had Canada Day stuff out so I truly just cannot keep up with this fast paced world .. haha! January was definitely just too mentally draining for me to be that on the ball, but we’ll try again next year – or maybe not, because I did really enjoy making the cards! It felt much more personal and I enjoyed not “buying” more extra stuff.
Unfortunately our little man was sick on Valentine’s Day. Sick? Aren’t you surprised? Not like we haven’t been sick for years. (Cough, cough.) He didn’t go to school Monday because he had a fever, and then he felt okay on Tuesday, but got sent home about an hour before the end of the school day due to a fever. He awoke Wednesday and didn’t look well at all. We told him he wouldn’t be able to go to school, and he was so upset, trying to get himself dressed saying, “but I need to hand out my cards!” We messaged his teacher who said that he could hand out his cards next time he was in, which made him feel better. They collected cards in his bag that he had decorated for the occasion and came home on Thursday a very happy little boy. I really love seeing him so happy and loving school and these little rituals that we remember from childhood. Is it just my imagination – or my post COVID anxiety – or are we sick way more than we used to be? He’s had a rough couple of Halloween’s due to illness, and to miss his first Valentine’s Day in school… I feel like the poor kid can’t catch a break. Hopefully by next year his immune system will be able to tackle whatever comes at him.