Well, I finally (on Feb 26) caved and saw someone about the pain in my back. Turns out it’s a herniated disc at s1, so an unfortunate injury for sure. And done by just doing my daily mom-ing tasks, so a tricky recovery. For those women who are striving for two under two, I say to you, “DO NOT DO IT.” Haha. Kidding. Kind of.
The chiropractor said having 3 babies in four years did my body no favours. Stress, repetitive movements, bending, twisting, and lifting can all contribute to the injury. So of course having 3 little minions running around demanding “mommy do it” is causing Matt and I a lot of frustration.
I am feeling better now that we’ve hit the end of March and I’m about to go down to once a week chiro so I’m hoping the limp I have going right now won’t last much longer. She informed me that the average healing time was 12 weeks but I appeared to be healing faster than most, shockingly. Doesn’t seem to be anything specific to do, just wait it out and do whatever feels best on my back. I find sitting and laying down the worst (so I have said goodbye to what little sleep I was getting and wander the halls at night) so I mostly try to be puttering around.
We have been so fortunate to start March off with some beautiful weather. Seeing the sun and being outside has really lifted everyone’s mood. March break has come and gone and we were fortunate enough to have visitors! My dad and stepmom were here as my stepmom had to work nearby for a few weeks (so we get to hang out with her for a while longer)! We have been enjoying hosting them (although they spend their nights at the nearby Inn) and showing them our life here.
Matt and I have both had birthdays since I last wrote. Unfortunately I was completely down for the count for Matt’s day, as my back was at the beginning stage of injury. For my gift to myself I bought (us all really) a new BOB double stroller. I had previously mentioned how much I hated our current double stroller and WOW this BOB really is worth the money. I truly cannot believe how amazingly easy this stroller is to push. It’s an absolute delight haha and kicking myself for not buying it sooner. We were using a Graco double stroller that we got from Costco, it wasn’t too expensive and it held up well but the seats didn’t fully recline and it was hard to push over anything but pavement. It wasn’t a side by side double. I was, actually, very against a side by side double stroller, since we also had the dog and I was nervous that I would take up way too much space with a bigger stroller and the dog on my outings. Cayo has now permanently taken up residence with our friends, to everyone’s satisfaction.

As it stands now, I’m able to walk, albeit with a bit of a limp, fairly well. I’ve had three 10,000 steps days this week and although I feel it at the end of the day, it hasn’t seemed to negatively impacted my injury. I’m hoping to be able to get back into running by summer.
Hoping to escape to Cape Breton for Easter this year and spent some time unplugged in nature. We have already beat last March’s number for hours outside, so I’m grateful for a good start to our challenge!
Hope everyone’s Spring is off to a great start!