2024 End of Year Review

And just like that it’s been almost 6 months, hasn’t it? I simply can’t go back and recap it all, so I’ll bullet point it just so I don’t forget, and then attempt to get back to regularly scheduled programming. Thanks to all our family and friends who made it another great year for us in 2024. It was definitely a challenging year, starting with a hospital stay for the baby, and me injuring my back, and getting pneumonia at the end of the year. But ultimately, as I’ll recap for you, we outdid the negatives with some amazing times.

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Mother’s Day 2024

Continuing with our tradition (which we started last year haha) we spent Mother’s Day weekend visiting some local nurseries in the Annapolis Valley so I could get all my plants for the season. I actually really enjoy this, despite the boys being a bit more rambunctious this year, which made for a slightly less relaxing, browsing, chilling type experience and more of a “slow down!” and “No running!” type of experience. Maybe because it was Mother’s Day, or maybe it is because we live amongst such lovely east coast personalities, but everyone is always so kind and forgiving to us, whenever we go with our wild children. 

The three nurseries we went to this year were: Summerland Nursery in Wilmont, Briar Patch Farm & Nursery in South Berwick, and Glad Gardens Family Farm Market & Greenhouses in Waterville. (The last two are only minutes apart on Hwy 1.) 

Two young kids run through the path in the gardens at Summerland nursery in Wilmont, Nova Scotia
the gardens at Summerland Nursery

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On Becoming a Mother: A First Birth Story

Mother’s Day is approaching which has me reminiscing on all of my births. If you know me, you know I’m low key obsessed with birth and LOVE a birth story. I’ve already written down the story of my third birth, but now I want to share the story that made me a mother, the birth of my first. 

mother and father gaze at their newborn baby

My eldest was born at 38 weeks and 3 days, which is to say that he surprised me by arriving “early”. I knew my mom had me late, and my sister on her due date, and since this was my first baby, I just assumed I would go past my due date. Well we know what they say about assuming … 

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Bad Backs and Double Strollers

Well, I finally (on Feb 26) caved and saw someone about the pain in my back. Turns out it’s a herniated disc at s1, so an unfortunate injury for sure. And done by just doing my daily mom-ing tasks, so a tricky recovery. For those women who are striving for two under two, I say to you, “DO NOT DO IT.” Haha. Kidding. Kind of. 

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Late Night Writings: On Transitions

Baby Girl had her two month immunizations today. Saying it gets easier with each child sounds horrible, but I can remember how much I cried with my first when we did this. It was awful. He cried and I cried. I really feel like it’s almost better for them when I can hold it together. She was upset for a bit but I think I had enough of a reassuring voice and calm demeanour and she was okay after a minute. Or, the more likely scenario in which I receive no credit – she’s one tough cookie. 

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Experimental Self Portrait

When inspiration strikes, you must take advantage – even when no one is around to model for you! Last Friday, while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I felt my creative juices flowing. Instagram makes a weekend hashtag project every Friday, and encourages you to take photos over the weekend that fit the theme. Last Friday’s was #WHPwindy. I had been looking at a lot of experimental portraiture, and having just finished my very first flower crown a few weeks prior – which I had yet to shoot, all of my creative juices were flowing, and I needed to make an image! So here’s what I created…

experimental-self-portrait copy

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june dreaming

I’m in a missing mood; missing summertime, the ocean, exploring… Went looking through my old photos today and came across this, from a wonderful adventure with a wonderful friend last June. Drinking Asahi beers  from vending machines on boats, running through new streets, the wind in our hair, the salt water on our lips. I’m … Read more