Third Trimester Woes Barbie

Didn’t they discontinue the pregnant Barbie?

Ah, the trifecta of third trimester pregnancy symptoms: restless legs, insomnia, and heartburn. Combine these into a with life with two toddlers and you’ve got a recipe for an exciting time! Been trying to keep my caffeine intake down, and thankfully Matt only worked mornings last week so I have been able to nap, but knowing I still have (fingers crossed at LEAST) four weeks left.. is an exhausting thought it itself. BB2 is still having nighttime sleep troubles, and what used to work – co-sleeping – is becoming harder and harder for me. I remember this happening at this stage with BB1. Eventually it somehow works itself all out but I know the transition for everyone will be tough. 

Anyway, we had a great end of the week last week. We impulse bought the kids a swing set / slide and although the purchase hurt initially, it’s already paid for itself in joy for the kids and a bit of relaxation for us. We are spending tons of time outside, racing down the slide and swinging on the swings. 

Boys playing on Kidcraft play centre

On Saturday we had a great afternoon visiting with old university friends. The boys were absolutely WILD though, hyped up from the environment I suppose. Unfortunately that left us not as much time to visit and meant more time spent ensuring that not too much chaos ensued. We basically did an Irish exit once the meltdowns started as we were a ways from home. We weren’t alone though, as my friends have kids similar in age – so all COVID babies, and just like kids of any time they are all learning. There is something amazing about having your kids around old friends and their kids though. A sort of comfort in knowing that they aren’t judging your parenting and love your kids regardless.

Once we got home we were greeted to an unfortunate surprise from the dog, who had been sick all around the house while we were gone. So all in all, an eventful day. 

Sunday was spent cleaning, laundry catchup and more outside time for the boys. We racked up about 21 hours outside last week and August is shaping up to be our best month yet. Our previous record is over 93 hours set in May. 

Last night I made an impromptu trip to see the Barbie movie with our neighbour. I almost said no, as she was leaving to go shortly after she invited me, and the theatre is about 30 minutes from us. I would be leaving Matt alone for the toughest hours of the day – bath and bed. But the kids were great for him and I got a night out and when was the last time that happened? Movie was fun, although sitting in the movie seat for two hours was definitely a challenge. I enjoyed the childfree time, adult socialization, and some popcorn, so all in all, a win. Have you seen it? It sparked an interesting conversation for us on the car ride home. Would love to know what you thought of it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Until next time,

– R

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