Turning Two and Starting School

Already a week into September, and got through some of our major milestones! I can’t believe we are in (what is most likely) New Baby Month. I haven’t even had a chance to truly process birthing for a third time, as I have been mentally preparing for having a two year old and a child in school! Now that the first week of September is behind us, I can begin to slow down, and hopefully go full nesting mode in prep for B3. Before we get too far ahead, I wanted to recap our August outdoor time! We had our best month yet, at 99 hours outside.

a screenshot of the month of august in the 1000 hours outside app

We have already hit out 500 hours this first week into September. I had no real goals, except to see how close we could make it to 1k. I plan on continuing to track into next year, so at least I will have a year of data to compare. I’m grateful that BB1’s school schedule allows them 2 hours of outside time a day, regardless of weather, so its easy for us to rack up another hour at home, especially since it takes us a good 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop. (It’s very close, I am just very slow). Speaking OF –

BB1 started school! I had a lot of anxiety around this, and tried so hard to not let him sense it. I have always had first day of school jitters (honestly, thats putting it lightly) and I didn’t want to pass that on to our obviously-nothing-but-excited first born. He had a little hesitation before boarding the bus on the first day, but has been all smiles and excitement ever since. I think the sweetest thing so far has been that he got off the bus on day two, came up to us and whispered, “I have a friend and he sat next to me on the bus”. How sweet. Our little man growing up and having experiences out there in the world without us.

BB2 turned TWO! And with that, he did his first ever uninterrupted 9 hours alone in his bed! Granted, he hasn’t been able to do it again yet, but I’m hopeful. He is adjusting to being solo during the day while BB1 is in school, and there will be another adjustment in a few short weeks with the arrival of B3, but all we can do is hope for the best.

As for us adults of the house, we have been into some good TV lately. I remember that with the return to school as a child, also meant the return to some of our favourite shows. Although we don’t have cable TV, we do still manage to overwhelm ourselves with choices on various streaming services. We recently powered through Season 1 (when is season 2 omg) of Severance on AppleTV. Highly recommend. It was one of the ONLY shows that Matt turned off when I fell asleep (I always fall asleep no matter how good a show is so don’t take that to mean anything) because he didn’t want me to miss it. We also watched the new live action One Piece on Netflix. It was also very good if you know anything about the series. I had become familiar with it while living and teaching in Japan, as I was constantly asked by my students who my favourite character was. The Netflix version was well done and seemed true to the original manga (Japanese comic). Finally, we watched The Whale, on Amazon Prime. As a Brenden Fraser fan (plz immediately reach out to me if you also are obsessed with Bedazzled) I had to see what the hype around this one was. It was surprisingly emotional, which could be the pregnancy hormones, but I was for sure crying at the end. Worth a watch for sure.

I was also able to finish another book! Since having kids, reading has been a challenge for me. I am either way too tired to read, or unable to take my eyes off of the children long enough to get into a book. Its been a goal though, as they get older, to be conscious of them seeing me read, as well as benefiting me by doing something I enjoy. I finished The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab. A story about a girl who makes a deal with a demon, agreeing to give up her soul when she’s done living a free life, Addie ends up living for hundreds and hundreds of years. An interesting storyline and I enjoyed seeing where the author took it.

Page of a book while boys swim in pool

I’d love to know what you’re watching and reading. Always looking for suggestions! What are we loving these days?

Next up for this month: my mom arrives next weekend, to help with the arrival of B3. I am 37 weeks today, so just trying to rest as much as I can… lets face it, I can’t do much anyway. Winded from standing up from a sitting position, so pretty useless at the moment anyway.

That’s it for now! Talk soon,

– R

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