Baby Girl is 3 weeks old! We have been adjusting to our new routine, although things are about to get mixed up again as my mom heads back to Ontario this weekend. She has been staying with us this past 6 weeks to help out and really been a lifesaver. She arrived about two weeks before baby girl was born – of course we anticipated the baby’s arrival much earlier, but as you know, she tricked us all by being my longest pregnancy by about 6 days.
I discovered a few days ago that she loves our wrap. Now that I’m able to walk more, it’s been nice to be able to wear her and push BB2 in the single stroller. Our double stroller isn’t my favourite and if BG eventually becomes content with stroller rides I’d like to possibly upgrade. But for now, I am happy to keep her close and cozy. We have had a few random days of nice-ish weather so I am taking every opportunity to be outside. I must admit our 1000 hours has taken a downward dive this month but that’s fine. I am excited to try again next and hopefully beat this years total.

Sleep has been our biggest struggle, to no one’s surprise I’m sure. But not necessarily baby girl’s sleep. Matt has been sleeping on the couch as the guest room has become Nana’s room, and our room has turned into the room all the kids pass out in during this adjustment period. Poor middle child is having a rough transition. We are finally up to a few nights a week of almost making it through the night in his own room. He starts there, but through sheer power of will, manages to wake himself up almost every two hours. Or that’s how it started. Well, actually it started by not sleeping in his room at all, but we couldn’t have that so we quickly pivoted to getting him down at least for the first stretch in his own bed. Then we would fight him for a few hours, taking turns rocking him and patting his bum. Go back to sleep lil’ man, you’re safe and we love you. Nope, he wasn’t having it. After a few nights attempting that battle, and tears amongst us all, we gave in. Not worth it. So now he starts in his own room and comes into bed with me at some point in the night. Usually around midnight but sometimes we make it to almost 3 am. I’m hopeful those stretches will grow longer with time.
Baby girl is doing great. Still so young and unfazed by the evenings events. She has a paediatrician appointment tomorrow and Matt has his final day of work before he begins his paternity leave. BB1 is still having a blast at school and I think it has been so good for him. We have noticed a huge increase in his independent play, plus he says the funniest little phrases that he picks up from school. Our current favourite is “what the heck!” Which he says out of surprise or delight. Always makes me smile.
That’s all for now. Hope everyone has a good weekend! Until next time,
– R
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