Springtime in the Annapolis Valley! Is there anything better than seeing the sun shinning warmly after all these winter months? Spring is definitely in the air these last few days, and we have been taking full advantage. It’s been an absolute delight to be able to be outside more (we’ve done between 3-5 hours a day every day this week) and the kids are certainly reaping the benefits. Slightly later bedtimes have led to better sleeps and sleep ins, which I hesitate to even write lest I jinx it. Sure, we had (what I hope to be) one last illness take over the household – but it’s behind us, lingering coughs aside, now, and we are only looking ahead! Onward!
With the warmer weather comes one of the great East Coast Living Perks: the opening of the fish stands.

A favourite pastime of ours is checking out the local highway food stops. We stopped at Pearle’s in Paradise on our way home from fishing for striped bass in Bridgetown. (Skunked this time, but still hopeful.) Nothing like seeing that side of the road sign read “OPEN FOR THE SEASON” and pulling in for some ice cream or fish and chips. And I gotta say, the fish here was very good. Huge portions and melt in your mouth. I’m quite particular about fish I eat, and it can’t be at all fishy – and this wasn’t. Very fresh and definitely somewhere we will return. We got chicken tenders for the kiddo, and they were also worth their price. Will have to return so I can report on the burgers and ice cream cones. I think this summer we will make it a goal to visit as many new (to us) roadside stops as we can, and I’ll be sure to report here on each one. We’re always looking for things to do here in the Valley, as we are still fairly new to the area. We did the Farm visits last fall, but this spring with Matt on paternity leave gives us a great opportunity to do even more exploring.
For now, enjoy these photos that made me nostalgic for summers past, driving around with the windows down, ice cream dripping down your chin; petting dogs that hang their heads out the window; smiling at strangers as they walk past to get their order. Summer’s so close I can taste it!

– R