Nana in Nova Scotia

We returned from Keji on Thursday, happy but tired, to a house that hadn’t been lived in in weeks and was full of laundry. Thank god for wonderful neighbours who notice you’re away and take out your garbage, otherwise we’d have been in really bad shape. Matt was back to work the following Monday, so we were busy getting back to base before that. 

I got to experience what August would be like from Monday-Wednesday, while Matt resumed work after a joyously long paternity leave, and my mom arrived to help fill the gap on Wednesday. It was a bit rough as everyone adjusted to our “new normal”. 

Thankfully, Nana arrived to save the day, and helped us transition to life back home and one parent back to work. 

The airport isn’t far, but it isn’t close either. So I wanted to plan a stop for us to get out of the car and explore a bit instead of just doing the whole trip in one go. We picked her up and headed to Evangeline Beach, which is called a beach as it’s on the water, but isn’t a traditional swimming beach (which I expected as it’s on the Bay of Fundy, but did not adequately explain to the boys, who were disappointed they could not swim). The beach itself however provided some entertainment aside from swimming. The tide was way out, so you can walk along the mucky ocean floor. We got sand EVERYWHERE and the boys got so messy playing in the mud. But definitely worth it.

two young boys walk evangeline beach at low tide

Since the boys have been OBSESSED with the beach since our Cape Breton Summer days, and according to them, Evangeline Beach didn’t count, we had to get it another beach day while Nana was here. This time we went to Aylesford Beach, which isn’t a place we go to too often, as I prefer to head to the South Shore, but this was easier this time; and it’s actually a great little beach with soooo much for the kids to do!

We arrived around 10 and it was practically empty. It filled up as the day went on, and then people trailed out around 3. There were little fish in the water that the boys spent hours trying to catch, and of course the fearless ducks who just trample right on through your little beach area in search of crumbs – which little miss found absolutely HILARIOUS.  

a baby sleeps in her car seat at aylesford lake beach

One weekend she was here was RIBFEST. We have previously gone to RIBFEST in Ontario with my mom, and whilst it’s not quite as big here – it still provided us a whole weekend of entertainment. Bouncy castles for the kids, need I say more? They ran over there the second they were blown up and we basically had to drag them out each evening. Although they aren’t the biggest meat eaters (yet) they enjoyed the Beaver Tails and shaved ice, while we had the ribs, pulled pork, and everything else the trucks had to offer. 

two boys wait for shaved ice at valley rib fest

Our final adventure was a trip to Shubenacadie Wildlife Park before the final airport drop off. We only allotted a few hours for this but I wish we had more time! I was looking for something up that way to do and this was truly the only thing I could find. The internet didn’t make it seem that great (I don’t really know why but it just seemed kind of boring, maybe?) so I asked my local friends if it was worth a stop. They all assured me it was, and they were correct. A great spot! We didn’t even get the opportunity to explore it all so will have to return. This was our first summer here without our local zoo (Oaklawn, which we visited last summer many times, but has since closed) so the boys were excited to go in search of some cool animals. This park specializes in wildlife rehabilitation so all of the animals are local to North America. We saw moose, fox, raccoons (familiar to the boys from our stop in Keji haha), coyotes, porcupines, etc. It was a hot day so we appreciated all the shade the park offered. We did not get an opportunity to visit the wetlands side of the park, so look forward to that on another visit. 

a family picture at Shubenacadie wildlife park

Another wonderful visit with my mom, who helped me and the boys adjust while Matt went back to work. But now I’m on my own – well, at least for one more week, then our niece comes for 10 days, then school begins again! But next up I’ll write about how the boys and I have been keeping busy during the workdays. 

Until next time! 

– R

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