Well here we are, four days away from my due date. Going for my longest pregnancy here with my third? Wouldn’t have guessed it but, alas, babies always make their own schedule.
As per usual, it’s been chaos. With the arrival of my mom from another province, and BB1 starting school, we’re experiencing our 1656th illness of the year. And again, as usual, the pregnant lady gets hit the hardest. No one warns you about how hard it is to care for sick babies when you’re so sick yourself.
It all started with COVID in October of last year. Just in time for Halloween, my oldest’s favourite holiday. He has been anticipating it for months, running around while the sun was still high and hot in his Sonic costume. Then BOOM, COVID. No trick or treating for us. it was going to be BB2’s first time out. We decorated and left candy in bowls for other kids; went to bed early.