Late Night Writings: On Transitions

Baby Girl had her two month immunizations today. Saying it gets easier with each child sounds horrible, but I can remember how much I cried with my first when we did this. It was awful. He cried and I cried. I really feel like it’s almost better for them when I can hold it together. She was upset for a bit but I think I had enough of a reassuring voice and calm demeanour and she was okay after a minute. Or, the more likely scenario in which I receive no credit – she’s one tough cookie. 

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An Afternoon Trip to Point Pleasant Park

We had a great afternoon this past Saturday with our friends at Point Pleasant Park in Halifax. After a bit of a cold got the boys of the household down for a few days and what I thought was (going to develop into) mastitis knocked me out for 24 hours, we were desperate to get out of the house and refresh ourselves with a social visit and some outside time with a few of our favourite people.

Adults and children entering Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, NS

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Top Ten Ways to Avoid Sleep

Can we talk about how hilarious doing a toddlers bedtime routine is? If it wasn’t for the fact that it’s the last thing at the end of the day when I’m exhausted and barely able to stay awake myself it would undoubtedly be my most favourite part of the day. Heck I’d entertain a lot more of his requests just to see how much stuff he can come up with! The tricks and excuses my four year old uses to try and stay up later are an endless rotation of hilarity. Water? Needs it now more than ever. Lotion? Hasn’t cared about it ever in his life but suddenly requires his body be lathered in it! And hmm, how is his tummy? Why, of course, he must poop! But wait, after a few long minutes, it turns out he doesn’t. Maybe he’s hungry, he didn’t eat any dinner after all. And by the way, where is that obscure stuffed animal he saw one time and didn’t like but now suddenly cares most about? He NEEEEDS it to sleep!!! 

Two toddler boys asleep in a bed of pillows and blankets

(two sleepy toddlers when they have finally run through every single stall method they can think of and eventually pass out)

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Fall Farm Visits

Who doesn’t love a few trips to the local farms this time of year? Despite being 40 weeks pregnant, I managed to attend ONE of the classic fall activities – pumpkin picking – despite my reluctance to move from my bed. After birth, we loaded up the mini van and managed another short visit to a different farm with all three kiddos for some outdoor time. Here’s what we got up to for some fall activities in the Annapolis Valley.

kid in pumpkin patch at spurr brother farms

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… and then there were three.

Baby Girl is 3 weeks old! We have been adjusting to our new routine, although things are about to get mixed up again as my mom heads back to Ontario this weekend. She has been staying with us this past 6 weeks to help out and really been a lifesaver. She arrived about two weeks before baby girl was born – of course we anticipated the baby’s arrival much earlier, but as you know, she tricked us all by being my longest pregnancy by about 6 days. 

I discovered a few days ago that she loves our wrap. Now that I’m able to walk more, it’s been nice to be able to wear her and push BB2 in the single stroller. Our double stroller isn’t my favourite and if BG eventually becomes content with stroller rides I’d like to possibly upgrade. But for now, I am happy to keep her close and cozy. We have had a few random days of nice-ish weather so I am taking every opportunity to be outside. I must admit our 1000 hours has taken a downward dive this month but that’s fine. I am excited to try again next and hopefully beat this years total.

woman wearing newborn in daisy gro wrap

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The Year We Were Sick

Well here we are, four days away from my due date. Going for my longest pregnancy here with my third? Wouldn’t have guessed it but, alas, babies always make their own schedule

As per usual, it’s been chaos. With the arrival of my mom from another province, and BB1 starting school, we’re experiencing our 1656th illness of the year. And again, as usual, the pregnant lady gets hit the hardest. No one warns you about how hard it is to care for sick babies when you’re so sick yourself.

It all started with COVID in October of last year. Just in time for Halloween, my oldest’s favourite holiday. He has been anticipating it for months, running around while the sun was still high and hot in his Sonic costume. Then BOOM, COVID. No trick or treating for us. it was going to be BB2’s first time out. We decorated and left candy in bowls for other kids; went to bed early.

Two COVID positive tests shown in front of a sleeping, sick toddler

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Hospital Bags & Third Baby Essentials

With baby three arriving any time now, I’ve been thinking a lot about what essentials I want to have out and ready to make the transition to three (!!!) babies easier. There are a few things I’ve used with baby boy 1 and baby boy 2 that I will for sure use again with my third. We haven’t bought much (anything?) new, and I think this third time around it’s really easier to narrow down exactly what we need to take out of storage and what can stay away. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far for my top essentials for baby number three –

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Turning Two and Starting School

Already a week into September, and got through some of our major milestones! I can’t believe we are in (what is most likely) New Baby Month. I haven’t even had a chance to truly process birthing for a third time, as I have been mentally preparing for having a two year old and a child in school! Now that the first week of September is behind us, I can begin to slow down, and hopefully go full nesting mode in prep for B3. Before we get too far ahead, I wanted to recap our August outdoor time! We had our best month yet, at 99 hours outside.

a screenshot of the month of august in the 1000 hours outside app

We have already hit out 500 hours this first week into September. I had no real goals, except to see how close we could make it to 1k. I plan on continuing to track into next year, so at least I will have a year of data to compare. I’m grateful that BB1’s school schedule allows them 2 hours of outside time a day, regardless of weather, so its easy for us to rack up another hour at home, especially since it takes us a good 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop. (It’s very close, I am just very slow). Speaking OF –

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Making the Big Boy Bed Transition

We decided to transfer BB2 to a Big Boy Bed, even though he isn’t yet two. He isn’t climbing out of the crib or anything, in fact he isn’t even sleeping in the crib at all. With so much change and disruption during his little life, I never got him in an established schedule, and much like BB1, he didn’t turn out to be a big crib fan.

Making the Big Boy Bed Transition

The transition to “Big Boy Bed” for BB1 came when we moved. New house, new bed. The transition was rough, but I attribute it to the move in general, and not necessarily the bed. But in the case of both boys, the transition really comes from not wanting to buy another crib, and not necessarily any other reason. With B3 coming soon, we thought BB2 should get on with the transition sooner rather than later. 

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